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To My Gretna UMC Family


Thank you so much for how you have loved me and walked with me these past four and a half years. Your resilience is inspiring. Your ability to release what needs to be released and hold on to what needs to be cherished is a beautiful and unique gift.

Your generosity to me, as your pastor, and to all who need to be reminded that they are loved by God plants seeds of hope. As your pastor I was able to see firsthand the impact you have on lives – lives that need to be reminded that they are not alone, lives that need to be reminded that they are worthy of healing, lives that need someone to show them that joy can be restored.

Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner and generous gifts. Enough memories to last a lifetime! Most of all, thank you for being so generous with your love and encouragement. I bring all that you have taught me into this next chapter of my life.

For certainly, the journey continues.

Much love,




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