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Gretna Community,

As we stepped outside today, I thought to myself, “It’s finally time to eat gumbo.” The seasons are changing (at least for a few days), the children are getting their costumes ready, and Thanksgiving and Advent loom in the background. Time keeps moving, moving, and moving. In all my years of life, this fact continues to surprise me.

Gretna United Methodist Church is no different. You’ve had various names and locations, different pastors and church members, yet something incredible happens year after year—CHURCH! GUMC has been a community for 127 years (in one form or another), and we will celebrate 20 years of worshipping together in our beautiful Sanctuary in just a few weeks.

Thank you! Thanks to your generosity, Gretna United Methodist Church can connect diverse communities to a lifestyle devoted to Jesus. Thanks to you, GUMC can be a persistent place of grace and peace.

As we work through our Sermon Series, "This Little Light…," we will explore connection, community, lifestyle, and devotion. The Finance Team and I hope you will join us in prayer as we carefully consider how we can respond to the love and grace that God shares with us—through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.

As God’s light dwells in us and illumines the world around us, may we allow God to shine brighter each day, illuminating the Gretna grace that has persisted for so long. We know we can rely on God for one thing: to keep being reliable.

With Love and Gretna Grace,

Pastor Marissa

October 16, 2024


Gretna Family,

It feels like August just arrived, and now September is already here. We’re heading into fall—well, a false fall, that is. The only real signs of fall are the smell of freshly sharpened pencils and pumpkin-spiced lattes on the menu. It’s a part of Southern life where our schedules and patterns transition, but the weather doesn’t change much!

Many of us are looking forward to this Labor Day weekend as a good time to be with family and friends before fall truly begins. Before we know it, Advent and Christmas will be upon us. Some of us will enjoy a cookout or meal with loved ones, while others will travel, taking advantage of one last trip!

In worship, we will embrace the theme of journey in our sermon series. As many of you know, our family loves to travel—both near and far. We believe that experiencing other cultures and making new friends teaches us so much. The journey itself—relying on others, exercising patience, and adapting to different ways of doing things—teaches us about ourselves and about God.

Jesus and his disciples journeyed together frequently, meeting and loving many people along the way. Often, their journey proved to be greater than the destination. So join us in exploring a journey of faith this September.

In Gretna Grace,

Pastor Marissa

August 28, 2024


Thank you, Gretna, for the warm and caring welcome this past Sunday. My family and I are deeply grateful for your open arms. We are looking forward to celebrating many birthdays and milestones with you all—it was a joy to have Ethan's first birthday as our first celebration together!

Your generosity, care for one another, and dedication to your community give me hope. As we spend more time together, I know we will experience many ways that God is present in our lives. I can hardly wait!

God asked Jonah to do something unexpected and unimaginable. I believe God is calling Gretna to continue its wonderful work and be open to new opportunities. As we get to know God and each other better, we can look to the future with awe and excitement for what God has in store for us. Don’t forget your marveling glasses!

Thank you for being willing to continue writing the story of Gretna UMC with me.

Gratefully yours,

Pastor Marissa

July 16, 2024

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