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Human Relations Day

The Human Relations Day offering supports social justice and outreach ministries that empower all God’s children to realize their full potential as human beings in relationship with one another. This fund helps encourage that potential through ministries like the Community Developers Program, multiethnic ministries and countless other projects across the United Methodist connection. These funds are administered by Global Ministries in collaboration with The General Board of Church and Society.


UMCOR: United Methodist Committee on Relief (to help bring relief to lives that have been upset by storms, wars, fires, displacement and climate change. This offering underwrites UMCOR’s “costs of doing business,” allowing UMCOR to keep the promise that 100% of any gift to a specific UMCOR project will go toward that project, not administrative costs.)


Native American Ministries (Part of the funds collected allow us to collaborate with existing native ministries, create programs and support seminary scholarships for United Methodist Native Americans. 50% of the offering remains in your annual conference to develop local ministries. The conference committee on Native American ministry (CONAM) administers these funds.)


 Manna Bags

Portable bags of food to share with the unhoused in our community.


 Peace with Justice
This fundenables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs. The special offering benefits peace with justice ministries in the annual conference and through the General Board of Church and Society.


 St. Stephen's Fund 

This fund provides humanitarian aid projects in undeveloped countries. 


School Supplies

Partnering with other community projects. this offering provides funds to purchase supplies for kids going back to school in the Fall.



 St. Mark's Homeless Ministry

A monthly hot meal for the those in need at St. Mark's UMC in the French Quarter.


 World Communion Offering (to support racial and ethnic students in achieving their educational goals while also transforming communities. 50% of the offering provides scholarships for graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. 35% supports ethnic scholarships for undergraduate students. 15% funds In-Service Training Programs for racial and ethnic persons.)


United Methodist Student Fund (The funds received award United Methodist scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students) and Human Relations (Our gifts are part of building a beloved community through faith-based volunteer programs, community developers and programs that work with at-risk teens.)


 Thanksgiving Baskets 

Enough food to set a Thanksgiving Table for numerouse families in need on this national holiday.


The United Methodist Children's Homes in Louisiana

This offering provides gift cards to be used for Christmas Gifts for children served in Louisiana.

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